Sunday, 26 April 2020

Week 16: Urban Wildlife

Walking has kept me sane during lockdown.
As I live on my own I've had no physical interaction with another human for 5 weeks,
so interacting with the feathered and furry creatures on my walks has been vital.
Their song, as I head out every morning, is enough to brighten the darkest of days!
One of the more visible feathered critters that I've interacted with this week has been this
White Faced Heron
He's made his home along the Tamaki Estuary and roosts high in the trees overnight. 
I've seen a fair number of him and his ilk on my daily outings, 
mostly when they're all foraging and feeding in the shallows.
They're always so elegant. And so patient.  
Calmly scanning the water for signs of movement and 
occasionally using a foot to agitate the sediment.  
The only time I've seen one moving quickly over the water 
has been when it was pursuing a fish.  
Which it caught. 
I have a friend who's not a fan as they like to raid her fishpond.
This week I found this one up the trees along the Estuary.  
He's obviously quite habituated to the presence of people 
as he didn't seem the least bit perturbed by my proximity.
So much so that when he was finished with his ablutions 
he simply tucked his neck in and went back to sleep.
I thanked him and went on my way.
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer
it sings because it has a song."
 ~ Joan Walsh Anglund

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Sooo, when I started this challenge this year I didn't expect to be playing catch-up quite so frequently. A photo a week isn't onero...